Becoming an Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity member requires investing your time, talents, and money. We are not looking for candidates who are not interested in serving the communities in which they live.
We are not seeking candidates who do not take academic excellence seriously. Most importantly, We are not interested in individuals whose actions will risk the organization’s brand and well-being. This ship does not need anchors.
click here to learn more about BECOMING AN ALPHA
College Membership
College Chapter Membership ​Any male student of an accredited college may be presented as a candidate for membership in a college chapter provided that he:
• Attends an institution where an active chapter is located (Membership is not available for individuals attending an online university that does not have a chapter seat. Membership is only available for individuals attending the school where the chapter seat is located.)
• Has completed one semester or two-quarters of a regular year’s program
• Is a full-time student taking courses leading to his first academic degree
• Is in good academic standing with a cumulative grade point average of not less than 2.5 on a 4.0 grade point
Contact us for more information about Sacramento State Alphas
Zeta Beta Lambda Alumni Chapter (SacAlphas)
Eligibility Requirements
​​​​Alumni Membership
Any male holder of an earned baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university may be presented as a candidate for membership in an alumni chapter provided that he:
Has been minimally conferred a 4-year baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution (including an accredited online university)
Is of good character
Is registered to vote, if eligible and qualified
Is sponsored by a member in good standing from the chapter in which the candidate is seeking membership
Is recommended by a member in good standing from the chapter in which the candidate is seeking membership
Contact us for more information about
Sacramento Alumni Chapter - Sac Alphas